Do you agree with these high level evaluation categories?
If not, which ones would you add, change, remove?
How would you rank them in terms of importance?
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Tools that satisfy requirements by Customisation rather than by Configuration or Out-of-the-box, should be avoided.

Since the answer to most questions posed to a Tool Vendor
are likely to be “Yes”, it is not a question as to whether a Tool Vendor can
satisfy a requirement, it is more in terms How
they can satisfy a requirement. For this reason, each Tool Vendor was asked to
rate their tool against each of the Requirements using a set of categories. read more, please Login or Register |
Keypoint |
Adopt this component by... |
Tools that satisfy requirements by Customisation rather than by Configuration or Out-of-the-box, should be avoided.
EA Project Team: Ignore EA Tools that satisfy requirements by Customisation.
Questions to ponder... |
Do you agree with these high level evaluation categories? |
If not, which ones would you add, change, remove? |
How would you rank them in terms of importance? |