Is this a formal governed discipline or just something done as a casual activity?
Does your Enterprise even recognise this as a discipline?
How does this discipline map to your Enterprise?
Are there any problems with how your Enterprise executes this discipline?
Does the discipline your Enterprise uses include all of these required inputs and outputs?
If not, what do you need to change? Who is Responsible for making them? And who is Accountable for making sure the changes are made?
Does your Enterpise train people in this discipline?
If not, do you think it would be beneficial to do so? If so, who will you talk to, to make it happen?
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Finding information to perform a job is just as important as performing the job.

Here we see the main sub-disciplines involved in Discovery.
Note that these disciplines are highly iterative and that
iterations could take milliseconds inside someone’s head or could take weeks or
even months.
The specific plan/process that will be followed is passed
from the phase above.
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Keypoint |
Adopt this component by... |
Finding information to perform a job is just as important as performing the job.
Management: Ensure that Discovery work is identified and estimated properly.
Questions to ponder... |
Is this a formal governed discipline or just something done as a casual activity? |
Does your Enterprise even recognise this as a discipline? |
How does this discipline map to your Enterprise? |
Are there any problems with how your Enterprise executes this discipline? |
Does the discipline your Enterprise uses include all of these required inputs and outputs? |
If not, what do you need to change? Who is Responsible for making them? And who is Accountable for making sure the changes are made? |
Does your Enterpise train people in this discipline? |
If not, do you think it would be beneficial to do so? If so, who will you talk to, to make it happen? |