Do you periodically evaluate your maturity with respect to the Frameworks your Enterprise has already adopted?
If not, how are increases made?
What “kicks off” this work?
Who is Accountable for it?
What overall process does your Enterprise utilise to increase its maturity in how it effects Direction, Operation, Transformation and Support?
Is it adequate?
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The Adoption of any Framework is a Transformation, and therefore the Phases defined in POET are used.

The Adoption of any of Pragmatic's Frameworks is a Transformation, and
therefore the six fundamental phases of Transformation defined by POET are
used. In addition, there is a Step 0. Step 0 is the most important step as it
sets the motivation or demotivation for management to devote even the smallest
amount of time to assess their Transformation capability. So the battle is not
necessarily if they care, the battle is if they care, whether they care or not! read more, please Login or Register |
Keypoint |
Adopt this component by... |
The Adoption of any Framework is a Transformation, and therefore the Phases defined in POET are used.
C-Suite: Adopt Frameworks using the phases of Transformation defined in POET.
Questions to ponder... |
Do you periodically evaluate your maturity with respect to the Frameworks your Enterprise has already adopted? |
If not, how are increases made? |
What “kicks off” this work? |
Who is Accountable for it? |
What overall process does your Enterprise utilise to increase its maturity in how it effects Direction, Operation, Transformation and Support? |
Is it adequate? |