Do you use BMM and if not what do you use in its place?
Is there a well-defined structure used for documenting Enterprise Strategy, and if not, what problems is that likely to cause?
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BMM provides for Transformational information only relating to Strategising, and no Structural information.
It is useful to note how other classification schemes have
been used to try to describe the transformation of something. The Business
Motivation Model (BMM) is a common scheme although it only covers the
contextual (pink) level.
Ends (including the Vision and
the Desired Result comprising Goals and Objectives) come under the Motivation
domain in MAGMA - which is a higher level category including other things like
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Keypoint |
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BMM provides for Transformational information only relating to Strategising, and no Structural information.
Enterprise Architect: Think in terms of MAGIC and MAGMA, not BMM.
Questions to ponder... |
Do you use BMM and if not what do you use in its place? |
Is there a well-defined structure used for documenting Enterprise Strategy, and if not, what problems is that likely to cause? |