Pragmatic Transformation Maturity Assessment Tools

Useful if you want to review particular phases and levels, so you choose a phase or level first and then list all associated SWOTs.


Utilises the Level 0 PTMC and allows people to associate SWOT's to the Phases and Levels of Transformation, and to categorise them in terms of MAGIC and MAGMA.

PTMC Statements

Useful if you just want to capture people's views and to categorise them at a later stage, so you enter statements first and can then assign them to different phases and levels.


Utilises the Level 0 PTMC and allows people to gather peoples statements and then to categorise them in terms of MAGIC and MAGMA, building up English like statements/sentences that express what was captured.

PTMC Canvas

Useful for performing a professional evaluation starting at the highest level and allowing you to drill down into areas as needed.


Allows the capture of information using the Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 PTMC, and to detailed categorisations.


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