Do you agree with this description of the Purpose of EA?
If not, why not?
What would you add? Take away? Change?
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Arranging the words of 300+ we get a description of the Why (purpose), How (by) and What (using) of EA.

If we take the output of the analysis and put it into a
sentence we get this. Interestingly this seems to me to be a pretty reasonable
definition of Enterprise Architecture. It closely matches the one PEAF defines,
even though no one actually made the entire statement. read more, please Login or Register |
Keypoint |
Adopt this component by... |
Arranging the words of 300+ we get a description of the Why (purpose), How (by) and What (using) of EA.
Questions to ponder... |
Do you agree with this description of the Purpose of EA? |
If not, why not? |
What would you add? Take away? Change? |