Does your Enterprise have an EASG?
Does it hold delegated budgetary responsibility from the SIB?
Does it have an escalation route to the SIB?
If not, does it create any problems?
If so, what do you need to do to solve them?
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An EASG with delegated budget and power is mandatory for Governance & Lobbying to operate effectively.

The Enterprise Architecture Steering Group {{James McGovern}}
exists to guide the execution of Transformation as it progresses, and to ensure
that any deviations from roadmaps, principles or policies are recognised,
understood and evaluated. read more, please Login or Register |
Keypoint |
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An EASG with delegated budget and power is mandatory for Governance & Lobbying to operate effectively.
EA Project Team: Create an Enterprise Architecture Steering Group.
Questions to ponder... |
Does your Enterprise have an EASG? |
Does it hold delegated budgetary responsibility from the SIB? |
Does it have an escalation route to the SIB? |
If not, does it create any problems? |
If so, what do you need to do to solve them? |