Does your Enterprise approach modelling as a Data Migration exercise?
Are there clear responsibilities with respect to Scoping, Discovery, Provision, Analysis, Cleansing and Loading?
If you do not do one or more of the above, does that cause issues and problems?
If so, what are the effects of those issues and problems?
What will you do to solve them?
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Populating a model is a Data Migration exercise.

Populating the model should be approach as any other data
migration exercise - for that is exactly what it is.
Phase 1- Scoping
This phase should be a very short initial piece of work to
provide a first level assessment of the scope and cost of the data migration.
It is where the source data is analysed, the scope of the
work is determined and the overall risk is evaluated in terms of the complexity
of the work involved. read more, please Login or Register |
Keypoint |
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Populating a model is a Data Migration exercise.
Enterprise Architect: Treat the Population of Model Data as a Data Migration exercise.
Questions to ponder... |
Does your Enterprise approach modelling as a Data Migration exercise? |
Are there clear responsibilities with respect to Scoping, Discovery, Provision, Analysis, Cleansing and Loading? |
If you do not do one or more of the above, does that cause issues and problems? |
If so, what are the effects of those issues and problems? |
What will you do to solve them? |