NOT a silver bullet. |
If you use
PEAF, you have 90% chance of success. If you don't you have a 90% chance of failure. |
PEAF is less
complex than TOGAF with a Pragmatic level of complexity to make
it usable.
TOGAF and PEAF do not
compete. They
are complementary to each other.
It is not a question
of TOGAF or PEAF, but more a question of TOGAF and PEAF.
If you are struggling
with TOGAF, PEAF can help you. |
PEAF provides the 20% (fundamentals) that produce 80% of the
TOGAF provides the 80% (detail) that produces 20% of the benefit. |
PEAF was built by EAs, for EAs, by observing
why EA fails, and plugging those gaps |