What do you use, to do a high-level assessment of your Enterprise’s Transformation Capability?
When was the last time your Enterprise assessed its Transformation Capability?
Do people know what it is?
Is it fit for purpose?
If not, who is Accountable for choosing it?
Who is Responsible for using it?
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The PTMC enables Transformation capability assessment, as well as post project reviews.
The Pragmatic
Transformation Maturity Canvas (PTMC) is a Pragmatic
way of assessing the maturity, or fitness for purpose, of an Enterprise's
Transformation Capability.
The levels do not correspond to maturity levels. They
correspond to levels of detail that the PTMC is being used to assess. read more, please Login or Register |
Keypoint |
Adopt this component by... |
The PTMC enables Transformation capability assessment, as well as post project reviews.
Management: Use the PTMC to evaluate your Transformation capability, to determine which parts needs attention.
Questions to ponder... |
What do you use, to do a high-level assessment of your Enterprise’s Transformation Capability? |
When was the last time your Enterprise assessed its Transformation Capability? |
Do people know what it is? |
Is it fit for purpose? |
If not, who is Accountable for choosing it? |
Who is Responsible for using it? |