


Step 0


Dont Throw The Baby Out With The Bathwater
Domain Blindness
The Red Pill
Timing Paradox
Management Workers Paradox
Process Paradox
Unconscious Degradation
False Accomplishment
Reality Avoidance
Its Just Not Sexy
The Drowning Children
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Change De-Motivation - What De-Motivates Management to Change

PEFF>Adoption>Step-0>Demotivation>Dont-Throw-The-Baby-Out-With-The-Bathwater ◄◄◄           .           ►►► PEFF>Adoption>Step-0>Demotivation>The-Red-Pill

The Domain Blindness barrier to getting an Enterprise to mature its Transformation capability is that people simply cannot see the Transformation Capability.

People are so used to thinking of an Enterprise in terms of the Business and IT, that any attempt to get them to see the Transformation Capability (which first requires them to ditch the Business/IT in favour of seeing DOTS) is very difficult. It is like they are so used to thinking of the Enterprise as a square, that it is very difficult for them to understand that the square they are used to seeing is actually one face of a cube. It is the same as a MagicEye picture where most people can only see the picture shown and find it very difficult to see past that to the actual image. Even when people can glimpse the image, their brain is constantly pulling them back to the “easy” and old way of thinking. Seeing requires a considerable amount of effort, coupled with the will to invest it. read more, please Login or Register

PEFF>Adoption>Step-0>Demotivation>Dont-Throw-The-Baby-Out-With-The-Bathwater ◄◄◄         Enroll to Self Study Now!         ►►► PEFF>Adoption>Step-0>Demotivation>The-Red-Pill


Adopt this component by...

Domain Blindness:

People simply cannot see the Transformation domain.

C-Suite: Engage Pragmatic to enable people to see.

Questions to ponder...

Can you see past the wall?

There is something to be seen but are you open to seeing it?

Are you too busy to see it?

How much time will you invest to see it?

How will you discover the things that you don’t know that you don’t know?

Is this Someone Else’s Problem?

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