



TOGAF and Zachman
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Basic Message
Missing Perspective and Model
Architect Engineer
Why How
How When What Where Who
Perspectives and Models
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TOGAF - Comparing POET and PEAF to TOGAF and Zachman

PF2>Frameworks>Comparisons>Zachman>Missing-Perspective-and-Model ◄◄◄           .           ►►► PF2>Frameworks>Comparisons>Zachman>Architect-Engineer

Here we see how the important seeds that John A. Zachman planted have been extended and built upon by POET and PEAF. Without Johns important work it is debatable whether POET and PEAF would even exist.

The height of each box is proportional to the quantity of material in each section.

The core of Zachman is an Enterprise Ontology which defines Artefacts hence the larger overlap with the Artefacts section of POET. However, it is only shown just over half width because Zachman is 5/6 Structural (What, How, Where, Who, When) and 1/6 Transformational (Why) which means it only covers just over half of the full Enterprise Transformation Capability. read more, please Login or Register

PF2>Frameworks>Comparisons>Zachman>Missing-Perspective-and-Model ◄◄◄         Enroll to Self Study Now!         ►►► PF2>Frameworks>Comparisons>Zachman>Architect-Engineer


Adopt this component by...

POET and PEAF greatly extends what Zachman provides.

Enterprise Architect: Use POET and PEAF to greatly extend what Zachman provides.

Questions to ponder...

Do you agree that POET and PEAF greatly extends Zachman?

If not, how would you map these things?

What things do you think are in Zachman that do not exist in POET or PEAF?

What things would you add to Zachman?

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