What do you currently use to maintain and publish the frameworks your Enterprise uses?
What other uses can you think of for the Pragmatic Publishing Platform?
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P3 is a component based authoring system.
P3 is a component-based knowledge authoring and publishing
system. All content is constructed from components. A component is whatever the
author wants a component to be, however it is suggested that each component
teach people one important concept or thing. More complicated things should be
broken down into other components. Each component consists of three distinct pieces
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Keypoint |
Adopt this component by... |
P3 is a component based authoring system.
Management: Adopt the Pragmatic Publishing Platform to streamline your Pragmatic X-Framework adoption.
Questions to ponder... |
What do you currently use to maintain and publish the frameworks your Enterprise uses? |
What other uses can you think of for the Pragmatic Publishing Platform? |