


Step 0


Paradigm Shift
WE Deming
70 of All Change Initiatives Fail
Enterprise Viability
Sage Words
Basic Premise
The Transformation of Transformation
What Your Transformation Capability Looks Like
Building the Machine that Makes the Machine
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Change Motivation - What Motivates Management to Change

PEFF>Adoption>Step-0>Motivation>WE-Deming ◄◄◄           .           ►►► PEFF>Adoption>Step-0>Motivation>Enterprise-Viability

I first met project/change failure statistics in around 1982. I had been working on projects for a couple of years, and many failed. Of course, no one admitted that they failed. But they did.

Here we are 39 years later in 2021 and the bad news has not changed. That is very sad.

Sad for the Enterprises involved of course, but also sad for the disillusioned and depressed people working on those projects. I know because I have worked on many failed projects over the last 36 years. The only thing more depressing than knowing the project you are working on is going to fail, is having no ability to do anything to stop it, and in many cases the ignominy of being vilified for pointing it out. “Think positive!” and “Just Do it!” are in copious supply but, “Oh bugger, thanks for pointing that out. We’d better take stock…” is nowhere to be found. read more, please Login or Register

PEFF>Adoption>Step-0>Motivation>WE-Deming ◄◄◄         Enroll to Self Study Now!         ►►► PEFF>Adoption>Step-0>Motivation>Enterprise-Viability


Adopt this component by...

70% of all change will continue to fail, unless you change how you change.

C-Suite: Accept the inconvenient truth that 70% of change initiative fail.

C-Suite: Mandate the use of the PTMC to find out what’s wrong in your Enterprise.

Questions to ponder...

What are the success/failure rates for your Enterprises change initiatives?

Do they even get measured?

What will you do to bang the boardroom table for resources to mature your Enterprises Transformation capability?

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