Does your current Project Process start with a clear definition of the Business Problem?
Does your Governance ensure that all options have been considered?
Do you expose Transformation Debt™ as it is being created?
If you do not do one or more of the above, does that cause issues and problems?
If so, what are the effects of those issues and problems?
What will you do to solve them?
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Reviewing Options and Solutions is the heart of Governance.
The steps in the bottom part of this process (in grey) are
there to illustrate what work should be going on in a project as part of the Solutioning
phase. PEAF does not prescribe what these are (that is the job of PEEF - The Pragmatic Enterprise Engineering Framework) but we
need to document them so we can show how Governance & Lobbying fits in, and
also to make sure it fits in, in the correct way. read more, please Login or Register |
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Reviewing Options and Solutions is the heart of Governance.
Enterprise Architect: Make sure EA Governance reviews: 1. The Business Problem. 2. Solution Options. 3. Solution.
Questions to ponder... |
Does your current Project Process start with a clear definition of the Business Problem? |
Does your Governance ensure that all options have been considered? |
Do you expose Transformation Debt™ as it is being created? |
If you do not do one or more of the above, does that cause issues and problems? |
If so, what are the effects of those issues and problems? |
What will you do to solve them? |