


Step 0


Paradigm Shift
WE Deming
70 of All Change Initiatives Fail
Enterprise Viability
Sage Words
Basic Premise
The Transformation of Transformation
What Your Transformation Capability Looks Like
Building the Machine that Makes the Machine
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Change Motivation - What Motivates Management to Change

PEFF>Adoption>Step-0>Motivation>Building-the-Machine-that-Makes-the-Machine ◄◄◄           .           ►►►

Technology Issues. (Equating to the Items part of MAGIC)

Most Enterprises have many technology issues (blades, Linux, SOA, disaster recovery, security, web 2.0, etc) but our technology issues are very small compared to another type of issue.

Documentation Issues. (Equating to the Artefacts part of MAGIC) read more, please Login or Register

PEFF>Adoption>Step-0>Motivation>Building-the-Machine-that-Makes-the-Machine ◄◄◄         Enroll to Self Study Now!         ►►►


Adopt this component by...

The Problems you face or Opportunities you wish to exploit, with respect to the Culture, drive the changes you need to make.

EA Project Team: Define the Problems you face or the Opportunities you wish to exploit, with respect to the Culture used for Transformation.

Questions to ponder...

Do you agree that Cultural issues are much more important than process or technology issues?

What specific issues (relating to the Culture used for Transformation) apply to your Enterprise?

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