Does your Enterprise think of the two Whys?
When people in your Enterprise talk about why they are doing something, do they always talk about the same why or do they talk at cross purposes?
Does one group think more in terms of Why are we doing it and other groups think more in terms of Why are we doing it this way? (Remember the difference between a Strategic project being executed in a Tactical way)
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Be aware that there are two main Whys: 1. Why are we doing it. 2. Why are we doing it this way.
The artefacts at each level should not really be considered
as separate boxes but more as a Russian doll of artefacts where the levels
above provide an encompassing context for the levels below. In this way, these
levels of artefacts are not separate and disconnected are much more cohesive
and provide the context and environment for the levels below them. read more, please Login or Register |
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Be aware that there are two main Whys: 1. Why are we doing it. 2. Why are we doing it this way.
Management: Ensure that all parts of the Enterprise understand the difference between why a Transformation is happening, and why the Transformation is being executed in the way it is.
Questions to ponder... |
Does your Enterprise think of the two Whys? |
When people in your Enterprise talk about why they are doing something, do they always talk about the same why or do they talk at cross purposes? |
Does one group think more in terms of Why are we doing it and other groups think more in terms of Why are we doing it this way? (Remember the difference between a Strategic project being executed in a Tactical way) |