


Step 0


Paradigm Shift
WE Deming
70 of All Change Initiatives Fail
Enterprise Viability
Sage Words
Basic Premise
The Transformation of Transformation
What Your Transformation Capability Looks Like
Building the Machine that Makes the Machine
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Change Motivation - What Motivates Management to Change

PEFF>Adoption>Step-0>Motivation>Paradigm-Shift ◄◄◄           .           ►►► PEFF>Adoption>Step-0>Motivation>70-of-All-Change-Initiatives-Fail

The philosophical basis for POET is the work of W.E.Deming. But while Deming applied it to the Operations parts of Enterprises (specifically manufacturing), we apply it to the Transformation Enterprise that exists within every Enterprise. 99% of what Deming said about the Operation part of an Enterprise (specifically about manufacturing) applies equally well to the Transformation part of every Enterprise. read more, please Login or Register

PEFF>Adoption>Step-0>Motivation>Paradigm-Shift ◄◄◄         Enroll to Self Study Now!         ►►► PEFF>Adoption>Step-0>Motivation>70-of-All-Change-Initiatives-Fail


Adopt this component by...

We have seen the enemy, and the enemy is us (Management).

C-Suite: Mandate rewarding increasing quality, rather than reducing cost.

Questions to ponder...

Who is the person in your Enterprise who is Accountable for Transformation?

Who will make sure the end to end domain of Transformation is operating in an effective and efficient manner?

What is their title?

Do they have a seat at the Board Table?

If not, why not?

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