



Step 4
Step 5
Setup EA Governance
Prepare Process Change
Define the EA Meta model
Prepare EA Education
Prepare Culture Change
Select an EA Modelling Tool
Step 6
Rollout Process Change


Setup the EA Meta model
Provide EA Education
Rollout Culture Change
Click a Thumbnail to read the component. Hold down Ctrl while clicking to expand the image


Certified - Master Certification Training 3 - Certified

  .           ►►► PEAF>Adoption>Section

In many respects Enterprise Architecture can be compared to gardening - or more accurately the MAGIC that allow a gardener to produce a pleasant garden or to grow fruit and vegetables.

A lot of people try to “sell” Enterprise Architecture with quick wins and low-hanging fruit. Whilst we will certainly not ignore such opportunities if they exist, to pursue only those quick wins is totally against the raison d'ętre of Enterprise Architecture. read more, please Login or Register

Enroll to Self Study Now!         ►►► PEAF>Adoption>Section


Adopt this component by...

PEAF enables you to mature your EA capability. Pragmatically.

Management: Instigate a project to ensure everyone related to Transformation is trained in PEAF/XEAF.

Questions to ponder...

What do you use, for the Logical model for your Enterprise’s EA capability?

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