With respect to your Enterprises EA capability, what Guidance is used?
Is the Guidance documented? Understood?
Is it fit for purpose?
Is it used? All the time? Only when it suits?
Which part of the Guidance is Good? Why? Bad? Why?
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The Guidance section of PEAF defines what information is used to guide people in their decision making.
Keypoint |
Adopt this component by... |
The Guidance section of PEAF defines what information is used to guide people in their decision making.
C-Suite: Instigate a review of the Guidance used in the Enterprise’s EA Capability, to determine if their maturity is appropriate.
Questions to ponder... |
With respect to your Enterprises EA capability, what Guidance is used? |
Is the Guidance documented? Understood? |
Is it fit for purpose? |
Is it used? All the time? Only when it suits? |
Which part of the Guidance is Good? Why? Bad? Why? |