Does your Enterprise have the concept of an EA Model and an EE Model?
If not, should it?
Where does your Enterprise draw the boundaries?
Do the boundaries exist?
How are they managed?
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All levels of the Enterprise Transformation model are used in all phases.
Here we see the fundamental levels of Enterprise
Transformation based on the fundamental levels of Idealisation/Realisation.
The Direction part of the Enterprise feeds Contextual information into the Transformation part
of the Enterprise which delivers Physical Things
into the Operations part of the Enterprise. read more, please Login or Register |
Keypoint |
Adopt this component by... |
All levels of the Enterprise Transformation model are used in all phases.
Management: Ensure that all levels of information are readily available to people working in all Phases.
Questions to ponder... |
Does your Enterprise have the concept of an EA Model and an EE Model? |
If not, should it? |
Where does your Enterprise draw the boundaries? |
Do the boundaries exist? |
How are they managed? |